Project Management BPM

Every organization is positioned differently along the process maturity roadmap. VEA delivers unparalleled solutions for continuous improvement throughout this lifecycle. From design to implementation to monitoring, we enable our clients to succeed with their Business Process Performance programs. The VEA Project Management solution will accelerate the delivery of your projects and provide you with the right content to
present to your business sponsors.

The VEA Solution Accelerator for Project Management enables you to:

  • Provide Qualitative Methodology for Identifying and Comparing Processes across the organization
  • Identify Specific Process Variations (Tasks, Roles, Controls, Systems, Documents) to enable consolidation and compliance
  • Enable Process Governance by Ensuring Process Alignment across Departments, Locations, Regions, Countries
  • Enhance Platform Adoption, Management & Deployment
  • Facilitate Corporate Process Management Objectives


  • Model Hierarchy Numbering
  • Function Tree Manager
  • Multi-Level Matrices
  • Process Model Summary
  • Model Presentation Builder
  • PM Inventory
  • Process Interface Summary
  • Control Analysis
  • Process Variation Analysis
  • Multi Model Builder (Macro)
  • Object Perspective Update (Macro)
  • PM Semantic Check


  • PM Inventory Model Builder
  • Function Tree Model Builder
  • Function Allocation Diagram Model Builder
  • Application Function Support Model Builder

Facilitate Better Process Management Projects
VEA will accelerate the execution of your Business Process Projects with our valuable framework which includes the following enhancements:

  • Process Framework Classification and References
  • Standards and Guidelines Document
  • Database Structure, Filters and Templates
  • Pre-selected Model Types, Objects, Connections,
    Attributes and Symbols
  • PM Reference Semantic Checks


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