Featured VEA Event

SAP SAPPHIRE - May 16-19, Orlando FL


Join us for the SAPPHIRE® NOW and the ASUG Annual Conference events colocated in Orlando. These premier technology events give you the ultimate opportunity to network with SAP customers, partners, team members, and industry experts. Plus, you'll gain insights into how to maximize innovative technology and business strategies to drive business results at every level.

Share Knowledge
Attend keynote speeches to hear expert perspectives. Design your own conference experience by choosing from more than 200 technology, strategy, and Influence sessions.

See Solutions in Action
Participate in SAP solutions demos to experience how SAP solutions help automate business processes, improve business intelligence, and provide visibility into your business operations.

Network with Colleagues
Talk with peers about the technology challenges you face, the solutions you're interested in, and best practices for implementing SAP solutions and collaborating with the ASUG community.


Sign Up Now!

VEA will be attending the following events throughout the year. Please contact us for more information.

May 17-19, 2010
SAP Saphire
Orlando, FL

June 22-23, 2010
Process World
Washington, DC

September 13-16, 2010
BPM 2010
Hoboken, NJ

September 19-23, 2010
Oracle Open World
San Francisco, CA

VEA Summit
November, 2010
Miami, FL

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