Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management provides your organization with analysis and visual representation of the individual components of the portfolio and their relationship to each other. VEA will guide you through each of the critical steps of portfolio management including:

  • Aligning the portfolio to the business strategy
  • Identifying resource availability and driving capacity management
  • Defining corporate governance processes,
    stakeholders and responsibilities
  • Communicating the portfolio throughout management
  • Measuring the portfolio over time


The Enterprise Portfolio can be divided into two key components:

Business Process Portfolio

  • Develop Vision and Strategy
  • Design and Develop
    Products and Services
  • Market and Sell Products
    and Services
  • Deliver Products and Services
  • Manage Customer Service
  • Develop and Manage Human Capital
  • Manage Information Technology
  • Manage Financial Resources
  • Acquire, Construct and Manage Property
  • Manage Environmental Health and Safety
  • Manage External Relationships
  • Manage Knowledge, Improvement and Change


Technology Portfolio

  • Manage Applications (Systems)
  • Manage Infrastructure


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